Frequently Asked Questions About Our Conference
Why Should I Attend The Conference?
Here Are Just 4 Reasons! Conference attendance enhances your professional and personal development, provides you with tools and skills which you cannot be taught in-house or online, allows you to get feedback on your work from people who have never seen it before and may provide new insight, and helps to expand your knowledge and find new solutions to problems.
Do I have to be a member of NABLEO to attend?
Absolutely not! Each of our workshops has been designed to provide needed, helpful information to support the community policing efforts of law enforcement agencies and their community partners. Membership is required only for those workshops and sessions that may be set aside specifically for members of NABLEO.
Is this conference only for African American or Latino officers?
No Way. While certainly, members of communities of color face an on-going struggle with crime, gun violence, and other issues, all communities face the same issues where it concerns the effort to keep them safe and secure. And, while NABLEO membership does cater to law enforcement officers of color, our education and training sessions are open to all, regardless of race, creed, or ethnicity.
Must I be a law enforcement officer to attend?
By no means! We strongly believe in the concepts of including our community partners, as they have both a need and right to know how they are being provided protection and service from the law enforcement community. And it is only through the bonds and relationships that are made from this collaboration that we, as law enforcement practitioners, are able to succeed.
Can Retired Officers Attend?
Certainly! Our workshops and other training sessions are designed to provide information that can be of use to both active and retired law enforcement officers. Retired officers typically become involved in various endeavors with the community that can benefit from these programs. All active duty and retired law enforcement personnel are welcome to attend.
How Much Does It Cost To Attend?
Generally, there are two separate registration rates - one for NABLEO members and one for qualified non-members, including sworn officers and civilian employees of public safety and government agencies including offices of police, sheriffs, EMS, fire hazard, hazmat; park rangers from federal, state, city, county, campus, tribal agencies, members of the armed forces, as well as, the staff and leadership of the organizations that make up their community partnerships. Registration fees cover the costs of program materials, a continental breakfast, hot lunch, and breaks each day, conference identification tags, specialty gift and certificate of attendance. (Members always receive discounted rates for attending NABLEO conferences)
Is the Cost of the Awards Dinner Included with Registration?
Unfortunately, the cost to attend the Annual Scholarship and Awards Ceremonies is a separate charge and is not covered as part of the conference registration fee.
Can I only attend certain workshops?
Your registration fee covers the cost of all workshops, so you may participate in as many as you like. We do, however, strongly recommend your participation in all sessions so that you obtain the full value of your registration.
Are members of the press able to attend?
NABLEO invites all qualified members of the media to attend, however advanced notification is required and attendance by the media is by invitation only. NABLEO may revoke or rescind press invitations at any time, for any reason.
What Other Benefits Does Conference Attendance Provide?
Besides phenomenal networking opportunities, you can benefit from access to new knowledge and unpublished works, learning and developing new skills, gaining new perspectives and broadening your horizons.