2024 FALL POLICE REFORM: RE-BUILDING COMMUNITY TRUST AND CONFIDENCE CONFERENCE - Oct 09, 2024 through Oct 11, 2024. Hosted by Afro-American Police Association of Buffalo (AAPA)
Available to All Law Enforcement Agencies and Community Partners
While NABLEO membership caters to law enforcement officers of color, all education and training sessions are open to all, regardless of race, creed, or ethnicity (except for those programs specifically designated for members only).
Sheriff Rochelle Bilal
Philadelphia Sheriff's Office
Who Should Attend?
Line, staff and administrative officers working in assignments for Community Policing Programs in any of the following types of agencies: Municipal Police Depts.; County Police/Sheriffs; State Police Depts.; Campus Police/Safety/Security; Federal Agencies; Transit/Port Authorities; Housing Police; School Resource Officers; Correctional Officers. As well, the staff and leadership of community organizations are welcome to attend. Workshops (except for those restricted to Members Only) are open to all persons..
Why Attend?
Gain exposure to the latest information and trends, and acquire new skills in your field; learn from leading experts and trainers; network with colleagues from across the country; gain different perspectives on current issues of common concern; get inspired to make justice for all a reality.